at the core of COASTAL TREASURE REHAB is a rock-hard value system, which aids CTR's activities to strive for maximum ecological / social / economic sustainability.

In short, CTR is all about caring for this beautiful planet, reducing waste, avoiding carbon footprint, and supporting local + small businesses :)

COASTAL TREASURE REHAB is an eco-conscious brand, which promotes a sustainable code of business.


CTR believes in supporting local businesses, as well as in minimising our "carbon foot-print". 

Whenever possible, CTR favours small businesses for the supply and / or manufacture of the required materials. 

CTR is conducting an on-going research of the Australian Art Suppliers / Manufacturers & testing the materials which we require for the production of the items you see in our catalogue.

CTR is proud to have a shortlist of Australian manufacturers and product suppliers, where most of our materials are sourced.

(If you are an Australian business owner or provider, please get in touch via the Email form at the bottom of this page)



CTR prides itself on our simple product display cards and packaging:

- CTR labels & display cards are made from recycled / recyclable card

- we use natural jute twine for the tags

- our logo is hand-stamped on the tags with non-toxic inc, so the display card can be recycled

- the items are wrapped with recycled / recyclable wrapping paper 

- CTR uses biodegradable tape, so you can be sure your wrapping paper can be recycled!

Products above $100 are displayed & sold on designer premium display card

-  we hope you'll agree that it's pretty enough to keep as a souvenir!



CTR uses ONLY recycled and / or eco-friendly  packaging:

- All parcels are wrapped in either re-used / re-cycled, OR re-usable / recyclable / compostable materials

- Our parcel bags and boxes are either re-used, or biodegradable

- Our parcel tape is 100% biodegradable.

CTR encourages all our customers to recycle of re-use the packaging.


5). GIFT-WRAPPING OPTIONS (re-direction):

CTR offers the service of eco-friendly gift-wrapping at an additional cost.

Please go to our "GIFT WRAPPING" page for more information.