Are you dreaming of a service, where a unique piece of jewellery can be created JUST FOR YOU - according to your personal taste & preferences?

Have you found something on our website you would like us to re-design

- especially for you?

OR do you already have your own design ideas for a jewellery or accessory piece - but need someone to help you realise it and / or make it for you?


Because "BE-SPOKEN" is CTR's signature BRAND NEW bespoke service,
where creator DunYa can help you bring your dream to life! 

Using a variety of mixed mediums and materials, DunYa will re-create your dream design into a unique piece that will make you smile every time you wear it!

Please send your enquiries to coastal.treasure.rehab@gmail.com 

please do not forget to include:
- your name
- email address
- your social media links / professional website
- a thorough description of what you would like to have made for you
- any existing design ideas, photographs or sketches for this project
- photographs and / or links to any relevant products or inspiration for your design within our own website or externally (PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT REPLICATE OTHER ARTISTS' DESIGNS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES)

Have a look at the gallery of our bespoke designs below for inspiration: