DunYa LoveRover is a multi-media artist, designer and jeweller, whose unique handmade creations tell a colourful story of exciting adventures. DunYa's artistic work is particularly inspired by her immense connection with the ocean, nature, wildlife and cosmos. 

Coming from a multi-cultural background and having a life-long career as a renowned international violinist, DunYa's artistic work is heavily influenced by her travels around the world and her adventurous life on the Great Ocean Road / Victorian Surf Coast, where she now lives.



The recognition of DunYa's talents and abilities to self-express through Creative Arts were nurtured from the very beginning. Being born into a family of award-winning artists, glassworkers, musicians, dress-makers and story-telling writers, it is no surprise that DunYa began expressing herself through Art and Music before she could walk!..

At the age of 3, DunYa began to play piano and, shortly after - violin. Growing up in a poverty-ridden Russia of the late 90s, DunYa learnt to alter and customise her own clothing at a young age. As a child, she made her own jewellery and toys from various natural and /or up-cycled materials. 

DunYa's life soon took a dramatic turn, when her considerable prodigious talents in music (under the name of Dunja Lavrova) began to bring her international recognition. By the age of 10, she had already performed internationally and won awards at various international violin competitions. As the result, DunYa left her family behind when she was just 13, when she won a highly-prestigious scholarship to enter and permanently board at a special music school for "exceptional children" in The U.K. 

Whilst at the school, DunYa excelled at Art & Craft. She was continuously commended for her "unique imagination", "explosive creativity" and "wild enthusiasm for the subject" by her art tutors / established U.K. artists: Brian and Veronica Dunce. DunYa's original poetry and artwork won internal competitions at the school and got displayed in public spaces there. In her free time, DunYa continued to make her own original clothing and learned how to use jewellers tools, making increasingly sophisticated pieces under the expert direction of her art tutor and professional jeweller - Veronica Dunce.

DunYa graduated from the school with a top score at A-level Art (Australian equivalent of the General Certificate of Education: Advanced Level in Art). 


As a violinist, DunYa (aka "Dunja Lavrova") won numerous awards and prizes, performed at countless world-renowned music venues, recorded and performed with numerous celebrity artists (such as Lady GaGa, Hugh Jackman, Kate Ceberano and Seth MacFarlane - among many others), and toured all over the world.

DunYa's own-produced debut solo album - "My Dusty Gramophone" by Dunja Lavrova - was released by Sony Records, received top reviews and global recognition for its unique production and concept.

DunYa's most notable music awards include the Tagore Gold Medal, presented by His Majesty King Charles, and Mayfair Art Club's "Young Artist of the Year" award, presented by Sir David Attenborough in the presence of Sir Peter Blake.

Throughout those years, DunYa continued to design jewellery and customise her own clothing. 



In 2019, DunYa permanently relocated to Australia, where she pursued her life-long dream of living on the coast. Having spent the first few months adventuring all over Victoria and the Great Ocean Road, DunYa chose to settle in Torquay, Victoria, in 2020.

There, she fell in love with surfing and met her soulmate (now-finance), Gordo. They live in a remote rural part of Torquay, with their 17-year-old cat Boris and two "hounds": Kai (Bull Arab, aged 2) and Jess (English Staffie, aged 9).

During the lockdowns / COVID pandemic, DunYa's immense passion for Art, up-cycling and jewellery-making took centre stage. Unable to perform as a musician due to the pandemic-related restrictions, she began making jewellery from up-cycled materials, and ornaments and planters from shells / other "found" coastal objects.

The photographs of DunYa's work quickly began to receive public interest on her social media platforms, with an encouragement to make her creations available to public.

Inspired by an idea of working from home and wanting to supply her creations to local galleries and gift stores, DunYa and her fiancé Gordo began to build a custom workshop within their outdoor area of their home's backyard. "Coastal Treasure Rehab" was born.


In 2022, armed with countless new tools and a new workshop in place, DunYa went on to up-skill in jewellery-making and design. She spent the rest of the year taking various online courses, expanding her knowledge through research and constant practice, experimenting with numerous mediums, and taking classes with local jewellers. She started working with epoxy resin, wire and metal, and began compiling a list of reliable Australian-based suppliers for her tools and working materials. 

Having spent days and nights at her workshop in 2022 practising and experimenting, DunYa's skills set expanded beyond expectations. Due to this monumental evolution, "Coastal Treasure Rehab"'s journey had to take a slight diversion...


By 2023, with nearly 100 of original & bespoke handmade jewellery pieces, "wearable art" creations, ornaments and home decor in stock, DunYa made a decision to set up her own website and create some online presence for her brand - with the desire to eventually approach art galleries and gift stores for product distribution. At the same time, she began to create a digital catalogue of exclusive products, which will be made available on a B2B / wholesale basis to other brands.

Working 100% solo, with very minimal experience in website-building, marketing and online commerce, DunYa is currently in the slow-moving process of finishing her website. With this website, DunYa is fully committed to creating a totally-transparent content and the best-possible customer care.

Meanwhile, she continues to make more "wearable art" pieces for Coastal Treasure Rehab's ever-expanding collection, thoroughly documenting all the materials and processes used in the making of her creations, and gradually building a photographic gallery of all the unique treasures she creates with so much love

- so that, one day soon, she can share them with others...